hydrocode_Radial_Lag 0.3
This is an implementation of fully explict forward Euler scheme for multi-D radially symmetric compressible flows on Lagrangian coordinate
Multi-D Godunov/GRP scheme for radially symmetric Lagrangian hydrodynamics with VIP limiter

This is an implementation of fully explict forward Euler scheme for multi-dimensional radially symmetric compressible flows of motion on Lagrangian coordinate.


File directories

data_in/ Folder to store input files RHO/U/P/PHI/config.txt
data_out/ Folder to store output files RHO/U/P/E/PHI/R/log.txt
doc/ Code documentation generated by doxygen
src/ Folder to store C source code

Program structure

include/ Header files of C
include_cpp/ Header files of C++
include_cii/ Header files in the book 'C Interfaces and Implementations'
src_cii/ Source codes in the book 'C Interfaces and Implementations'
tools/ Tool functions
file_io/ Program reads and writes files
meshing/ Program handles mesh
riemann_solver/ Riemann solver programs
inter_process/ Intermediate processes in finite volume scheme with C
inter_process_cpp/ Intermediate processes in finite volume scheme with C++
finite_volume/ Finite volume scheme programs
hydrocode_Radial_Lag/hydrocode.c Main program
hydrocode_Radial_Lag/hydrocode.sh Bash script compiles and runs programs

Program exit status code

exit(1) File directory error
exit(2) Data reading/writing error
exit(3) Calculation error
exit(4) Arguments error
exit(5) Memory error

Compile environment

  • Linux/Unix: g++, glibc++, MATLAB/Octave
    • Compile in 'src/hydrocode_Radial_Lag': Run './hydrocode.sh' command on the terminal.
  • Winodws: Visual Studio, MATLAB/Octave
    • Create a C++ Project from Existing Code in 'src/hydrocode_Radial_Lag/' with ProjectName 'hydrocode'.
    • Compile in 'x64/Debug' using shortcut key 'Ctrl+B' with Visual Studio.

Usage description

  • Input files are stored in folder 'data_in/one-dim/Radial_Symmetry/name_of_test_example/'.
  • Input files may be produced by MATLAB/Octave script 'value_start.m'.
  • Description of configuration file 'config.txt/.dat' refers to 'doc/config.csv'.
  • Run program:
    • Linux/Unix: Run 'shell/hydrocode_run.sh' command on the terminal.
      The details are as follows:
      Run 'hydrocode.out name_of_test_example name_of_numeric_result order[_scheme] dim config[n]=(double)C' command on the terminal.
      e.g. 'hydrocode.out Radial_Symmetry/Two_Component/A3_shell Radial_Symmetry/Two_Component/A3_shell 2[_GRP] 2 42=-2' (second-order Lagrangian GRP scheme).
      • order: Order of numerical scheme (= 1 or 2).
      • scheme: Scheme name (= Riemann_exact/Godunov, GRP or …).
      • dim: Spatial dimension number (= 2).
    • Windows: Run 'hydrocode.bat' command on the terminal.
      The details are as follows:
      Run 'hydrocode.exe name_of_test_example name_of_numeric_result order[_scheme] dim n=C' command on the terminal.
      [Debug] Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Debugging
      Command Arguments name_of_test_example name_of_numeric_result order[_scheme] dim n=C
      Working Directory hydrocode_Radial_Lag
      [Run] Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> System
      Subsystem (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE)
  • Output files can be found in folder 'data_out/one-dim/Radial_Symmetry/'.
  • Output files may be visualized by MATLAB/Octave script 'value_plot.m'.

Precompiler options