10#include "../include/var_struc.h"
14 struct b_f_var * bfv_L,
struct b_f_var * bfv_R,
const _Bool Transversal);
16 struct b_f_var * bfv_D,
struct b_f_var * bfv_U,
const _Bool Transversal);
int GRP_2D_flux(struct i_f_var *ifv, struct i_f_var *ifv_R, const double tau)
This function calculate Eulerian fluxes of 2-D Euler equations by 2-D GRP solver.
int flux_generator_y(const int m, const int n, const int nt, const double tau, struct cell_var_stru *CV, struct b_f_var *bfv_D, struct b_f_var *bfv_U, const _Bool Transversal)
This function calculate Eulerian fluxes of 2-D Euler equations in y-direction by 2-D GRP solver.
int flux_generator_x(const int m, const int n, const int nt, const double tau, struct cell_var_stru *CV, struct b_f_var *bfv_L, struct b_f_var *bfv_R, const _Bool Transversal)
This function calculate Eulerian fluxes of 2-D Euler equations in x-direction by 2-D GRP solver.
Fluid VARiables at Boundary.
pointer structure of VARiables on STRUctural computational grid CELLs.
Interfacial Fluid VARiables.